Tuesday, August 28, 2007

20 Tips To Lose Weight

Here's a list of 20 tips to loss weight
Tip #1
To make a delicious low fat mayonnaise simply combine one teaspoon Dijon mustard or one teaspoon satay sauce with low fat yogurt.

Tip #2
Avoid skipping meals. Eating increases your metabolism, thus skipping meals can 'trick' your body into slowing down its metabolism in an attempt to conserve calories during a period it perceives as a situation where limited fuel is available.

Tip #3
Stuffing vegetables such as capsicum and zucchini with tasty fillings of mince chicken, meat or tuna are easy to do and very healthy and low fat.

Tip #4
Pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings, are great for picnics, school lunches or to take to work.

Tip #5
Exercise, exercise, exercise! Exercise increases your metabolism and burning off excess fat. When is the best time to exercise? Our metabolism slows down about 8 hours after we wake up, so 30 minutes of exercise in the evening, before dinner will increase your metabolism for about two to three more hours just when it was starting to slow down. This produces a significant increase in fat burned off, even after the exercise is over.

Tip #6
Adding alfalfa or mung beans to your salad brings in extra iron.

Tip #7
Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes.

Tip #8
Plan the week's family menus in advance and just purchase those ingredients at a once weekly shopping trip.

Tip #9
Be positive! The more you feel good about yourself the easier and faster it is to lose weight.

Tip #10
Learn how to make over family favourite recipes by cutting out fats, salt and sugar. Substitute non fat yogurt for cream, stir fry minus oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt for flavour.

Tip #11
Please consult your doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.

Tip #12
Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite

Tip #13
Eat three small meals and two snacks daily instead of two or three huge meals.

Tip #14
It's a myth that you need oil to stir fry! Use chicken stock instead and cut down on hidden fat.

Tip #15
There is more fat in a plate of toasted muesli than a plate of bacon and eggs! Purchase non-toasted muesli instead.

Tip #16
Avoid removing the skins of fruits and vegetables - most of the nutrients are concentrated just under the skin.

Tip #17
Hot water with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast get the metabolism going for the day, helps prevent constipation and is excellent for the skin.

Tip #18
The best source of vegetable protein is from soy beans or tofu. All legumes provide some protein, so include lentils, Lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.

Tip #19
Find a weight loss "buddy," club, or support group. This will help you stay with your weight loss program.

Tip #20
Though difficult, try not eating 3 hours or more before bed time.

Ways to Lose Weight

With days people are getting busier in their tasks, so they don’t get time to take their meals. The meals they take are at very uneven timings. This intake of meals at odd times makes people lazy and they eat whatever they get. People are not able to take proper food and do not get time for exercise by which they are gaining weight. There are numerous people who are considered as overweight. Everybody wants to reduce and get out of this overweight. Health specialists generally say that adults who are overweight and have weight-related medical problems or a family history of such problems can benefit from weight loss.
There are many weight related problems which normally people have like: heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels. Even a loss of small amount of weight can improve people’s health by decreasing your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Who should lose weight? Health experts generally agree that adults who are overweight and have weight-related medical problems or a family history of such problems can benefit from weight loss. Some weight-related health problems include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or high blood sugar levels. Even a small weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can improve your health by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The body weight is controlled by the number of calories a person takes and the number of calories used by them each day. So, to lose weight people need to take in fewer calories than they use. They can do this by becoming more physically active or by eating less.

People can lose weight if they try to lose it in a proper way.

Various ways to reduce weight are:

People should start an exercise schedule. They just require putting few minutes from their busy schedule everyday and can just manage to lose weight easily.

People should be very careful in what they eat. People should eat but always take healthy and nutritious food.

Minimum 8 glass of water should be taken everyday. This is a very important step to reduce weight. Water is a very important nutrient for all bodily functions and processes.If people drink one glass of water before each meal it will help them to eat less.

Other way to lose weight is by adding protein rich food to the diet or take protein in any form. Protein helps human body to burn the calories which are taken in throughout the day, so the body does not continuously store fat on not needed areas. Protein also helps to build and preserve lean muscle mass.

Weight loss can also be there using herbal supplement such as Herbal with a combination of diet and exercise. Losing weight is not easy but it can be done if people put the use of herbal products and other general practices in place.
Benefits of the herbal supplements for weight management are:

They help in weight loss without restlessness.

They help in building energy and digestion process easy.

They help control your hunger to reduce the urge to have snacks between meals.

Places to help you loss weight

If you need to loss weight for whatever reason going it alone can be very hard, and for some damn near impossible. There are many different factors to consider for what you personally need to do to drop the pounds. I have listed different ways to loss weight below, so if you would like more info check out the links.

The foods you eat could be digesting to fast, and not letting your body burn them properly see if this site helps you Low GI Diet

If its fat you need to burn then check these two great sites out Fat Loss
Loss Fat Working Out

If you would like to build muscle while losing fat than I suggest this
Burn The Fat

You don't have to go it alone, remember there are great places out there like these that help you lose the weight and keep it off.